Monday, September 15, 2014

Summer on Israel Pilgrimage

Unagh Frank '15 (EPA)

This summer I had the most amazing adventure through Poland and Israel on USY's summer pilgrimage. It was eye opening, inspirational, actually the greatest thing I have ever done. Here is a compilation of G4's venture to the holy land. I love and miss you G4 so much!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Why It Was Important to Go to Israel this Summer

Sam Zack '15 (CRUSY)

As you all should know, there has been a recent escalation in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the terrorist organization that runs the Gaza Strip. The tensions began to rise when the three missing Israeli teenagers were found dead in the West Bank in late June. To make it worse, the amount of rockets being shot at Israel significantly increased. Soon after, the IDF launched Operation Protective Edge and began striking terror targets and eventually entered the Strip with foot soldiers and tanks. As a result of the conflict, dozens of mission trips and other group trips were cancelled or ended early. My trip, however, was not. 

This past summer I traveled to Israel and Poland through Ramah Seminar, and I believe that it was important for groups to still travel to Israel this year. As a North American Jew, it was important for me to support the IDF and stimulate the economy by being in Israel in a time like that. Besides the amazing benefits of going to Israel not in a time of conflict - experiencing the food, culture, strong sense of Zionism and religion, etc. - I was able to experience things that I otherwise would not have. For example, there was a day in which we walked to a busy street and took various types of photos representing how the war was affecting Israeli society. After that, we learned more in-depth details about the situation and how to advocate for Israel, both in high school and college. 

My love for Israel grew more than it would have if there was no current conflict. I felt that it was part of my duty, even more than usual, to advocate and inform others about the importance of Israel. Israel is an incredible place where any Jew feels at home, and I would recommend to anyone to travel there, whether it’s during a time of conflict or not.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Israel Day Parade with USY

Noa Gurvis '15 (METNY)

I've watched the Israel Day Parade from afar, and finally being able to participate was like a dream come true. It's such an empowering feeling, walking step-in-step with more than one hundred of your best friends; you feel like you can accomplish anything.

Being at the parade with everyone made me feel so proud of our country. There were so many people there that I didn't know, but it was incredible and almost unfathomable that we were all connected by our strong love for Israel. Seeing everyone there with the same goal in mind - to celebrate our country - was the best feeling in the world.

We had so much spirit, singing ruach songs at the top of our lungs and going crazy every time we passed by a camera. Everyone was into it. It turned from just a march into something I'll never forget.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Samantha Engelmyer '16 (Tzafon)

131 hours ago I returned to my small town in upstate New York after spending 10 days in the beautiful land of Israel, which I visited for the first time. When we boarded the bus at 5:45 AM on Thursday, we only recognized a face or two in the early morning light. The look of being terrified and excited because of heading half way across the world with 31 new faces, was wide spread.  

By the time the four-hour bus ride to Newark Airport was over, we were all so close already. We may not have thought about talking to each other in school, but we all had bonded over the fact that we were departing on a journey to such a special place. Some of the members of the group had already visited Israel five or six times in the past, while others had only read about it, but the moment we walked out of Ben-Gurion Airport, each and everyone of us was awe-struck.

We spent our first two days in Jerusalem, which was picture perfect. We walked through mazes of stone walls and ran up hillsides to view the stunning ancient city. After spending the weekend in Jerusalem, when we thought nothing could be better, we traveled two hours south by bus to Eshkol. There we met even more new friends and our host families for the week.

The time in Eshkol was one of the most moving things I have ever experienced. We lived lives of Israeli teenagers, so similar to us, each and every day surrounded by pure beauty. There were fields of bright red flowers in the middle of the desert, whose names I probably will never remember, and there wasn't a place the eye reached that wasn't breathtaking.

After you return from a trip as special as this, finding words powerful enough to describe the beauty and experience seems impossible. I never understood the phenomenon before, but now I do, and there is no way to describe it. One day you'll just have to go to understand for yourself too.

H2 Woah Reflections

Jacob Seidel '14 (NERUSY)

H2 was a very close, somewhat informal kinnus for USYers with a particular interest in Israel and Judaism. Between the amazing staff, thought provoking programming, and super fun company, it was one of the best kinnusim that I have ever had the pleasure of attending. There were wonderful USYers in attendance from all over the U.S. (and some from Canada) all of whom added an extra layer of enjoyment to the weekend. I highly recommend attending next year!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Nathan Bishop '16 (SWUSY)

My love for Israel started during the summer after my seventh grade year. I had the option to go to Israel with my family, or have a Bar Mitzvah party with my family and friends. It took my no time to make up my mind. As soon as I arrived into Israel I felt as if I had been in the wrong place for my whole life, and I had finally arrived home. To me, home is a place where wearing my Judaism is a norm. Home is a place where I can feel safe to express anything that I believe in. To me home is burning both of your feet to the bone on the mud of the Dead Sea.

Since this trip, I have wanted nothing less than to return home. My love and interest for Israel has grown immensely. My trip has caused me to strive to get all of my friends, and all of my friends of SWUSY to become as educated as possible on Israel’s situation. My love has guided me from AIPAC in DC, all the way to the opportunity of becoming SWUSY’s Israel Affairs Vice President 14-15. Now all I want to do is help the Southwest by educating each and every one of my friends, SWUSY or not, on the beauty and the overall importance of Israel’s impact on Judaism and the world.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mila: a Word from your Shaliach

by Central Shaliach: Carmiel Frutkoff

Adam Hertzog, NOAM’s national chairperson (parallel to USY’s International President) spoke last week at a rally that took place by the Prime Ministers house in Jerusalem.  The rally organized by ‘Tag Meir’ (Translates: A badge of light) came to protest the growing number of religious based violent acts that Israelis have witnessed in the last few years. These crimes, committed by radical fundamentalist Jews, self-titled - Tag Mechir (Price tag) included the destruction and vandalization of many Muslim and Christian holy sites, allegedly as retribution for violent acts committed by these minorities against Jews. These vigilante claims hold no ground as recent attacks on Conservative and Reform synagogues have made clear to the few who still held on to this notion.

NOAM, the youth movement of the Masorti (Conservative) movement is not new to religious political activism. While they have always been careful in staying non-partisan regarding Israeli-Palestinian issues, NOAM’s voice was always heard loud and clear when it came to issues of religion and state. Taking an active stance, challenging Israel’s monolithic approach and the stronghold of Orthodox Judaism over other streams and religions. In recent years NOAM’s youth could be seen on the front, fighting for the freedom of marriage, LGBTQ rights and the attempts of various Orthodox parties to censor and segregate women while bringing a fresh pluralistic liberal religious world view to the Israeli public.

In his speech Adam (17 from NOAM’s  Zichron Ya’akov branch ) quoted the declaration of Independence and called for the youth to take action in realization of the values it puts forth.  “The State of Israel will be built upon the foundations of freedom, justice and peace as envisioned by the prophets of Israel… and protect the holy sites of all religions. As youth we must see forth and do all in our power to bring into practice the words of our Prophets that come to light in our State's declaration – Equality and mutual respect for all.”

He called out for all youth movements to not just teach tolerance but to join NOAM and be pro-active in creating high profiled Inter-faith dialog so that the perpetrators of these hideous crimes will see that they stand alone.  “We can’t ignore it… We must confront the violence and hatred that comes from within our midst as we would expect others to do… those who teach hatred in the name of the Torah distorts it’s entire essence. ‘Derachha Darchei  NOAM’, Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.”

Adam plans to reach out to USY and to NOAM chapters worldwide in a call of support and encourage them to join NOAM Israel in the effort of creating interfaith dialog.
NOAM teens at the rally.

Swastika’s drawn on the welcome sign of Moreshet Yisrael (Fuchesburg center/Beit Nativ) in Jerusalem.

NOAM chair, Adam Hertzog speaking at the rally last week.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hayley Nagelburg '15 (Hagalil)

Israel, to me, has always been associated with my being Jewish. The three trips I have taken have been for Jewish observances with family or with my school (a Jewish day school). The experiences and memories I have with Israel all tie in to my Jewish roots- whether it be a Friday night service at the western wall or a Pesach Seder with the family I barely knew - when I think of Israel I think of my Jewish identity.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Jamie Berger '14 (Tzafon)

My Israel story starts on a plane from Poland in the wee hours of the morning next to an enthusiastic boy. Right when I saw the skyline of Tel Aviv, I knew that I was home. For the next four weeks, I explored every cave and market corner with 44 other pilgrims. From conquering Masada to cooling off in Ein Gedi to sleeping under the stars in the Negev, I knew I had found my home and my first love. My Israel story hasn't ended yet though; I still dream about it every night and yearn for it every day.

Monday, March 17, 2014

My Experience at AIPAC Policy Conference

Ari Weinstein '14 (Emtza)

On a flight home from Los Angeles this past August, I convinced Catherine, the woman sitting next to me, to take her next vacation in Israel. I couldn’t help myself -- I’d returned from USY Pilgrimage in Israel two weeks prior, and I was flying home from my internship with StandWithUs, an Israel advocacy company based out of Los Angeles. I had a lot of excitement about Israel and couldn’t help myself but bring up my amazing visit while we talked. What I learned from my conversation with Catherine, was that airplanes are the perfect place to start up a conversation about Israel.

Talking about Israel has become very comfortable for me on airplanes, because I enjoy striking up conversation about Israeli current events, innovations, humanitarianism, and more. When I was heading to AIPAC’s Policy Conference last weekend, I couldn’t help but mention to the the man next to me that I was going to lobby my representatives about Israel legislation. At the conclusion of the conference, participants had the opportunity to travel to Capitol Hill and lobby senators and representatives. I was definitely very excited about the opportunity. Okay, nervous-excited is more accurate. Despite all the times I’ve talked with someone next to me about Israel, I’ve never carried a conversation with a government official about why I believe they should support Israel.

During my visit to the Hill, I had the opportunity to meet with Minnesota senators Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar, where I was part of a delegation of Minnesotans who asked for their support in passing a bill that would promote Israel to the status of “major strategic partner” with the US. According to AIPAC, the designation of major strategic partner expands the US-Israel cooperation in many realms of policy. In addition to meeting with senators Franken and Klobuchar, I had the opportunity to hear representative Ted Deutch, who was one of the bill’s writers, speak about the importance of the US-Israel relationship.

After my day of lobbying, the bill to make Israel a major strategic partner passed overwhelmingly 410-1. This is great news for Israel!

Talking to my elected officials about why they should continue to support Israel was very meaningful to me. It made me realize that any individual has the power to lobby and argue for what they believe in, and it put in perspective the importance of both going to AIPAC and talking to people on airplanes about Israel. For all I know, they may have taken what I told them, found their own passion for Israel, and talked with their own elected officials about why a continued Israel-US relationship is vital to both nations. Whether talking to a senator or a stranger, I now know that every conversation about Israel truly counts.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Deena Kleinstein '15 (Hagalil)

Two years ago in Israel, the Kotel reached into my soul and supplied me with the most touching memory I have ever had. It was my last Shabbos before I would return to America, and my emotions were running wild. 

I was informed that we would be walking back to the hostel at about twelve at night. Capitalizing on the short time we had left, a group of girls and I rushed down to the deserted Kotel and pulled up white plastic chairs. We sat, we sang, we prayed. 

In the moment full of silence and prayer I have never felt closer to Hashem and my heritage. That serene moment at the Kotel will stick with me forever and continue to supply me with smiles every day. I could not be more excited to continue my spiritual journey and love for Israel this summer on USY Israel/Poland Pilgrimage.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Michaela Master '15 (CRUSY)

This is a picture that I took while on Israel Adventure Plus Pilgrimage this past summer. This was the morning after the Desert Experience; our staff had instructed us to pray our own personal shacharit. Everyone really used this opportunity to have some private prayers by setting out all over the canyon. It was a moving experience to see how we were all so spread out- and yet I still felt connected to our prayers nonetheless. This reflects my relationship to Israel: although it might be on the other side of the world, I still feel that I have a personal connection with it, regardless of distance, and enhanced by my religion.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lessons Learned on the Horizon

Written by Rebecca Perl '15 (CHUSY)

At at least in one point in everyone's life, you have a moment of pure realization. Sometimes these moments are in the grocery store buying peaches; sometimes they are while helping to paint a house; sometimes they are reading a book or straight from waking up from a deep sleep. Sometimes they're in the desert of Mitzpe Ramon at 4:45 in the morning. At least that was when mine was. 

After touring the north of Israel, participating in weeklong IDF training, or Gadna, HaEvent and Free Weekend, visiting Tel Aviv, and beginning a tour of the South, we stopped in Mitzpe Ramon to rappel down cliffs and spend a night sleeping in the desert under the Israeli moon. The afternoon before my "realization," we went rappelling down cliffs. I was very afraid of heights, but I promised myself that I'd do it. Not only did I rappel down that cliff, but I was the first to go. I conquered my fear of heights and I felt awesome. 

That night, I saw the most beautiful sunset of my short 16 years of life. We slept under a clear sky, full of stars, billions of years old, far away in other galaxies. I spent most of the time awake, staring up at the amazing sky. It was true perfection. The next morning, our staff woke us up super early to daven shacharit by ourselves while watching the sunrise. I chose a spot away from everyone else, and instead of doing traditional prayers, I sang songs that I felt spiritually connected to. When I ran out of those, I sat and thought. 

Last year was a difficult one in terms of everything, and I know I do not want a repeat of last year. I thought about how I can become a better person, how I can change my ways to be the best I can be, and how I can help myself and all of the people around me. 

From that moment forward, it has been what I strive to do. These moments spent alone and together with friends in the desert and all around Israel were the moments that meant the most on Pilgrimage. They are moments that I will look back on in 20 years and I will know then, as I know now, that they were life changing. I learned that things can be fixed. I learned to look at things with clearer eyes. Most importantly, I learned that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And we, as the Jewish people, hold a vast amount of beauty. Because Israel is all ours.